Healthy in Beverwaard

Portrait of the project Healthy in Beverwaard by Veldacademie

Commisioned project, 8 minutes,2019

For three years, Veldacademie researched how the lifestyle of children and their households in the neighborhood of Beverwaard  in Rotterdam can be improved. They did this through ‘action-research’, which means that they tried to improve health literacy in various ways and in the meantime investigated whether that works or not. 

Research and education worked together and children and their families were followed and supervised for three years. Almost weekly there were teaching programs in the classroom, which were devised and implemented in collaboration with the Building Arts Foundation and students from various courses. In these classes, knowledge about health and the many aspects that have to do with it were introduced. 

Film stills

Floor Hofman
Maastricht and Eindhoven, The Netherlands